Eighth House Lord in Twelve Houses of Kundali

अष्टमेश का बारह भावों में फल

कुंडली में बारह भाव होते हैं | आठवें भाव को मृत्यु भाव कहते हैं | इस भाव से मृत्यु के बारे में जानते हैं | यह छल-छिद्र और गुप्त धन का भी भाव है| इस भाव के स्वामी को अष्टमेश कहा जाता है | कुंडली के अलग-अलग भावों में बैठकर अष्टमेश अलग-अलग फल प्रदान करता है |

पहले तो जल्दी से यह जान लें कि किसी भी भाव के स्वामी को कैसे पहचानते हैं ? अगर अष्टम भाव में 1 लिखा हो तो इसका मतलब आठवें भाव में मेष राशि है | मेष राशि के स्वामी मंगल हैं | इसलिए अष्टमेश मंगल हुए | निम्नलिखित तालिका से आप किसी भी भाव के स्वामी को पहचान सकते हैं :

राशि क्रमराशिराशि स्वामी

यहाँ हम अष्टमेश का बारह भावों में फल बताएँगे | अपने मन से जो मुँह में आए वो बोल देने की अपेक्षा हमलोग शास्त्रों के आधार पर इन्हें समझेंगे:

1. अष्टमेश लग्न में


Eighth house lord in the first house of Kundali, as per Mansagari


Eighth house lord in the first house of Kundali, as per Mansagari

यवन जातक:

Eighth house lord in the first house of Kundali, as per Yavana Jataka

भृगु संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the first house of Kundali, as per Bhrigu Samhita

लोमश संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the first house of Kundali, as per Lomash Samhita

ज्योतिस्तत्त्वम् (अध्याय 30):

Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the first or lagna house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya

2. अष्टमेश दूसरे भाव में


Eighth house lord in the second house of Kundali, as per Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra


Eighth house lord in the second house of Kundali, as per Mansagari

यवन जातक:

Eighth house lord in the second house of Kundali, as per Yavana Jataka

भृगु संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the second house of Kundali, as per Bhrigu Samhita

लोमश संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the second house of Kundali, as per Lomash Samhita

( नोट: यहां अनुवाद में गलती से दूसरे को तृतीय लिख दिया गया है !)

ज्योतिस्तत्त्वम् (अध्याय 30):

Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the second house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya
Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the second house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya
Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the second house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya

3. अष्टमेश तीसरे भाव में


Eighth house lord in the third house of Kundali, as per Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra


Eighth house lord in the third house of Kundali, as per Mansagari

यवन जातक:

Eighth house lord in the third house of Kundali, as per Yavana Jataka

भृगु संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the third house of Kundali, as per Bhrigu Samhita

लोमश संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the third house of Kundali, as per Lomash Samhita

ज्योतिस्तत्त्वम् (अध्याय 30):

Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the third house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya
Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the third house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya
Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the third house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya

4. अष्टमेश चौथे भाव में


Eighth house lord in the fourth house of Kundali, as per Mansagari


Eighth house lord in the fourth house of Kundali, as per Yavana Jataka

यवन जातक:

Eighth house lord in the fourth house of Kundali, as per Yavana Jataka

भृगु संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the fourth house of Kundali, as per Bhrigu Samhita

लोमश संहिता:  

Eighth house lord in the fourth house of Kundali, as per Lomash Samhita

ज्योतिस्तत्त्वम् (अध्याय 30):

Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the fourth house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya
Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya

5. अष्टमेश पाँचवे भाव में


Eighth house lord in the fifth house of Kundali, as per Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra


Eighth house lord in the fifth house of Kundali, as per Mansagari

यवन जातक:

Eighth house lord in the fifth house of Kundali, as per Yavana Jataka

भृगु संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the fifth house of Kundali, as per Lomash Samhita

लोमश संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the fifth house of Kundali, as per Lomash Samhita

ज्योतिस्तत्त्वम् (अध्याय 30):

Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the fifth house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya
Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the fifth house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya
Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the fifth house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya

6. अष्टमेश छठे भाव में


Eighth house lord in the sixth house of Kundali, as per Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra


Eighth house lord in the sixth house of Kundali, as per Mansagari

यवन जातक:

Eighth house lord in the sixth house of Kundali, as per Yavana Jataka

भृगु संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the sixth house of Kundali, as per Bhrigu Samhita

लोमश संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the sixth house of Kundali, as per Lomash Samhita

ज्योतिस्तत्त्वम् (अध्याय 30):

Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the sixth  house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya

7. अष्टमेश सातवें भाव में


Eighth house lord in the seventh house of Kundali, as per Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra


Eighth house lord in the seventh house of Kundali, as per Mansagari

यवन जातक:

Eighth house lord in the seventh house of Kundali, as per Yavana Jataka

भृगु संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the seventh house of Kundali, as per Bhrigu Samhita

लोमश संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the seventh house of Kundali, as per Lomash Samhita

ज्योतिस्तत्त्वम् (अध्याय 30):

Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the seventh house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya
Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the seventh house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya

8. अष्टमेश आठवें भाव में


Eighth house lord in the eighth house of Kundali, as per Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra


Eighth house lord in the eighth house of Kundali, as per Mansagari

यवन जातक:

Eighth house lord in the eighth house of Kundali, as per Yavana Jataka

भृगु संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the eighth house of Kundali, as per Bhrigu Samhita

लोमश संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the eighth house of Kundali, as per Lomash Samhita

ज्योतिस्तत्त्वम् (अध्याय 30):

Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the eighth house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya

9. अष्टमेश नौवें भाव में


Eighth house lord in the ninth house of Kundali, as per Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra


Eighth house lord in the ninth house of Kundali, as per Mansagari

यवन जातक:

Eighth house lord in the ninth house of Kundali, as per Yavana Jataka

भृगु संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the ninth house of Kundali, as per Bhrigu Samhita

लोमश संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the ninth house of Kundali, as per Lomash Samhita

ज्योतिस्तत्त्वम् (अध्याय 30):

Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the ninth house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya

10. अष्टमेश दशवे भाव में


Eighth house lord in the tenth house of Kundali, as per Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra


Eighth house lord in the tenth house of Kundali, as per Mansagari

यवन जातक:

Eighth house lord in the tenth house of Kundali, as per Yavana Jataka

भृगु संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the tenth house of Kundali, as per Bhrigu Samhita

लोमश संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the tenth house of Kundali, as per Lomash Samhita

ज्योतिस्तत्त्वम् (अध्याय 30):

Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the tenth house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya
Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the tenth house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya
Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the tenth house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya

11. अष्टमेश ग्यारहवें भाव में


Eighth house lord in the eleventh house of Kundali, as per Mansagari


Eighth house lord in the eleventh house of Kundali, as per Mansagari

यवन जातक:

Eighth house lord in the eleventh house of Kundali, as per Yavana Jataka

भृगु संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the eleventh house of Kundali, as per Bhrigu Samhita

लोमश संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the eleventh house of Kundali, as per Lomash Samhita

ज्योतिस्तत्त्वम् (अध्याय 30):

Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the eleventh house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya
Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the eleventh house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya

12. अष्टमेश बारहवें भाव में


Eighth house lord in the twelfth house of Kundali, as per Mansagari


Eighth house lord in the twelfth house of Kundali, as per Mansagari

यवन जातक:

Eighth house lord in the twelfth house of Kundali, as per Yavana Jataka

भृगु संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the twelfth house of Kundali, as per Bhrigu Samhita

लोमश संहिता:

Eighth house lord in the twelfth house of Kundali, as per Lomash Samhita

ज्योतिस्तत्त्वम् (अध्याय 30):

Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the twelfth house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya
Eighth Lord (Ashtamesh) in the twelfth house of Kundali, as per Jyotish Tattvam of Mukund Daivagya